Testserveren til Overwatch er no oppe på PC, der ein kan prøve ut dei komande endringane i sesong to. Gamer.no dekkja informasjonen som kom for nokre dagar sidan om endringane av konkurransemodusen, og no er det kome ei fullstendig liste over alt nytt. Desse vil vere tilgjengelege frå no av på testserveren, slik at spelarane kan prøve dei ut og gi sine tilbakemeldingar.
Det kan framleis bli mange endringar før oppdateringa rullar ut på dei offisielle serverane, så alt er ikkje sett i stein enno. Ei komplett liste kan du sjå nederst.
Balansering av heltane

Med den nye oppdateringa til testserveren kjem nokre forventa, og ikkje fullt like forventa endringar til heltane. Til dømes skal den nye oppdateringa på testserveren redusere kraftnivået til Genji ganske mykje, ved å blant anna kutte av to sekund på ultimatangrepet hans, fjerne trippelhopp og ta vekk moglegheita for eit kjapt slag i «Swift Strike»-angrepet hans. Utviklarane meiner Genji har for mykje mobilitet og styrke, slik at han må justerast.
Farten frå Lùcios «Amp It Up» skal bli lågare, og «Chain Hook»-ferdigheita til Roadhog skal visstnok bli mindre kranglete. D.Va sitt skjold blir litt mindre effektivt, ved at det ikkje kan slåast av og på like fort.
Hanzo blir betre med den nye oppdateringa, då han no går raskare mens han har sikta inn, og pilene hans flyr fortare. Ein tidlegare endring som gjorde prosjektilangrep mindre har også blitt reversert, som vil hjelpe heltar som Hanzo og Mei. Sistnemnte får òg litt meir kraft, ved at ultimatangrepet hennar no går igjennom skjold.
Ein tilsynelatande liten, men viktig endring er at teljaren for ultimatangrep no tømmast fortare enn før. Dette vil ha stor innverknad på heltar som McCree og Reaper, som kan behalde store mengder av framgangen på ultimatangrepet sitt viss dei døyr tidleg etter å ha byrja på sjølve angrepet. Denne teljaren går no ned til null på eit kvart sekund, ned frå eit heilt sekund.

Mercy har sett ein nedgang i bruk i det siste, men skal no bli betre igjen. Ho vil med oppdateringa helbrede andre heltar 20 prosent fortare, samt at dei som blir gjenoppliva av ultimatferdigheita hennar ikkje er frosne på ein plass like lenge som før.
Blant dei meir populære helbredarane finn ein Zenyatta, som skal balanserast litt annleis. Prosenten skadeauke frå «Orb of Discord» går ned frå 50 prosent til 30, mens «Orb of Destruction» går frå 40 til 46 skade per treff.
Eín enkelt kartendring er nemnt i testserveroppdateringa. Det fyrste punktet på Watchpoint: Gibraltar har blitt fjerna som fylgje av introdusering av tidssystemet på «Escort»-spelmodusen. Kartet har no tre punkt, som dei andre.
Trykk for å sjå alle endringane
- When activating the "Ultimate Status" communication, Symmetra now reports the number of charges left on her teleporter
- When activating the "Needs healing" communication while targeting a teammate, Ana, Lúcio, Mercy, and Zenyatta will now tell allies to group up to receive healing. A marker will appear above the player's head, allowing teammates to locate the healer more quickly
- Added Torbjörn as an AI-controlled hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes
- Sit and laugh emotes are now unlockable for all heroes
- Ultimates that consume the ultimate meter when activated will now drain the meter more quickly (.25 second instead of 1 second)
- Reverted a recent change to reduce size of heroes' projectiles
- Defense Matrix
- After being activated, Defense Matrix will begin regenerating following a 1-second delay (formerly .5 seconds)
- Hanzo will now experience a 30% decrease in speed while aiming (formerly 40%)
- Maximum projectile speed has been increased by 30%
- Blizzard
- The Blizzard projectile now pierces barriers
- Radius has been increased from 8 meters to 10 meters
- Deadeye
- Now drains over a .25-second period (instead of displaying a 50% reduction on the ultimate meter when activated and 0% when confirmed)
- Caduceus Staff
- Healing Beam
- Healing-per-second has been increased by 20%
- Resurrect
- Resurrected allies will be able to maneuver after 2.25 seconds (reduced from 3 seconds)
- Double jump no longer resets when wall climbing
- Dash
- No longer deals damage to traps like Widowmaker's Venom Mine or Junkrat's Steel Trap
- No longer bypasses Junkrat's Steel Trap
- Swift Strike
- No longer interrupts quick melee attacks
- Dragonblade
- Duration of Genji's ultimate has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
- Amp It Up
- The boosting of movement speed has been decreased by 30% (from a 100% increase to a 70% increase)
- Chain Hook
- If the hooked target isn't in Roadhog's line of sight when retracting the hook, they will be moved back to the position where they were originally hooked
- Orb of Discord
- The amount of damage amplified by a target with Orb of Discord has been decreased from 50% to 30%
- Orb of Destruction
- Damage has been increased from 40 to 46
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
- Watchpoint: Gibraltar’s first checkpoint has been removed
Developer Comments: The balance changes that were implemented in previous patches have eliminated the need for Watchpoint: Gibraltar to have an extra checkpoint.
- A new "Allied Health Bars" option has been added (Options > Controls)
- Contextual menus have been added on the hero selection screen, giving players the ability to report or group up with other players
- Matchmaking UI is now purple in the Competitive Play queue
- Made several minor adjustments to typography in the Spectator UI
- Fixed a bug that allowed the kill participation metric to go above 100 percent
- Fixed a bug in the Custom Game settings preventing the Ability Cooldown modifier from affecting Ana
- Fixed a bug that caused heroes to die when first spawned in a custom game if Health and Damage modifiers were used simultaneously
- Fixed a bug preventing the hero list in Custom Game settings from being organized alphabetically
- The spectate option now becomes unavailable (the button will be greyed out) when all spectator slots have been filled in a Custom Game lobby
- Fixed an issue causing in-game statistics to run off the edge of the screen in 16:10 aspect ratio
- Fixed a bug that caused Bastion to become stuck, continuously healing himself in the spawn area
- Appropriate sound effects now play when Ana shoots barriers, shields, and armor
- D.Va no longer communicates her ultimate status for Self-Destruct while charging her Call Mech ultimate
- Hanzo's Spirit Dragon voice line now plays when using his Okami and Lone Wolf skins
- Fixed various issues with Junkrat's emote and highlight animations
- Fixed an issue causing Mei's Ice Wall to push herself to the side when cast at her feet
- Fixed a bug preventing Mei's Ice Wall from being destroyed by a moving payload
- Fixed a bug that prevented Mei's Ice Wall from appearing at the target location when cast
- Fixed a bug allowing Reaper to reach unintended map locations using Shadow Step
- Fixed a bug causing Reinhardt's shield to jitter when turning in third person
- Fixed an issue that prevented Roadhog's chain from displaying correctly in some situations
- Fixed several issues with Symmetra's emotes and highlight intros
- The scarf on Tracer's Slipstream skin is no longer stiff in the Hurdle highlight intro
- Fixed a bug preventing overtime from being triggered while Zenyatta is using Transcendence
- The names of Tracer's Sprinter and Track and Field skins now display correctly
- Fixed an issue preventing Genji and Hanzo from reliably climbing a specific crate on Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Competitive Play
- Skill rating is now measured on a 1-5000 scale instead of the former 1-100 scale
- Skill Rating Tiers
- Players will now be assigned to a tier, depending on their skill rating
- Bronze - 1-1499
- Silver - 1500-1999
- Gold - 2000-2499
- Platinum - 2500-2999
- Diamond - 3000-3499
- Master - 3500-3999
- Grandmaster - 4000-5000
- In Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond tiers, a player will not drop out of their tier even if their skill rating falls below the cutoff
- In Master and Grandmaster tiers, a player whose skill rating falls below the tier's minimum
- Players will now be assigned to a tier, depending on their skill rating
- Skill Rating Decay
- Players in Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster tiers that haven't participated in a competitive match for 7 days will lose skill rating
- Players with a skill rating above 3000 (Diamond tier or higher) will lose 50 rating points every 24 hours, but their rating will not fall below 3000
- Competing in a single match will halt skill rating decay
- Players that haven't participated in a competitive match for 7 days will immediately drop out of the top 500
- Map Changes
- Several refinements have been made to the time bank system for Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, and Volskaya Industries
- The time bank system has been added to Dorado, Hollywood, King's Row, Numbani, Route 66, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar
- Time granted for taking objectives on Dorado, Hanamura, Hollywood, King's Row, Numbani, Route 66, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar has been reduced from 5 minutes to 4
- Competitive Points
- Existing competitive points saved from Season 1 will be multiplied by 10
- After winning a competitive match, players will now receive 10 competitive points (instead of 1)
- Players will now receive 3 competitive points for a draw
- The cost of golden weapons has also been multipled by 10 from 300 to 3000
- A soft cap is being placed on the number of competitive points that can be saved
- Players with more than 6000 points at the start of season 2 will no longer accrue points by playing competitive matches
- End-of-season rewards will still be granted to players at the soft cap
- Instead of going into sudden death, tied competitive matches will now result in a draw
- Players must now win at least 50 competitive matches to be eligible for a spot in the top 500
- Players must now complete more matches to clear their penalty status for leaving a competitive match early
- Players of drastically different skill ratings (more than 500) will no longer be able to group together in competitive matches